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One game at a time

Foto van schrijver: Nancy BeersNancy Beers

Turn on the TV these days and there is almost no avoiding it: halfway across the world a humanitarian crisis is unfolding. If you’re anything like me, watching the scenes from Kabul airport are heartbreaking and unsettling, and also bring up the same question again and again: ‘What can I do?’ I have been feeling powerless and small in the face of all of this misery.

I have to remind myself that change starts at home and one game at a time. I want to make sure that whatever I do is good for other people too. The same goes for my business event, ‘Play in Business’, on September 30th.

Catering that day will be provided by the amazing people from Wereldkeuken Haarlem. In this organisation and restaurant ‘new’ and ‘established’ residents of Haarlem cook together, work together, and create a multicultural community together. The meals are an explosion of flavour from countries and cultures around the world.

Because if anything, the crisis in Kabul has shown us we are all in this together. What happens over there affects all of us here. Let’s make sure we create inclusive communities right here at home, and welcome anyone who needs a new home with open arms.

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